
Advising on Research methods, Part I (e-book)

ARM book, Part I (e-book)

ARM book, Part I (e-book)

Genre: e-book
Authors: Herman J. Adèr, Gideon. J. Mellenbergh
ISBN: 97-890-79418-75-6 (e-book)
Price: € 12,50 ($ 14,25)
First published: 2019
Website: www.jvank.nl/ARMHome


This e-book contains part I (Preliminaries) of the handboek Advising on research methods: A consultant’s companion by Herman Adèr, Gideon Mellenbergh and David Hand. It is meant for those who are giving advice on research methods in the social and behavioral sciences, including medicine and epidemiology, or want to do so in the future.

It takes the perspective of a statistical advisor who wants to assist researchers to produce better – more accurate, valid, and reliable – results. The book is explicitly intended to be used for instruction. Each chapter has an Exercise section, while the chapter texts are interspersed with ‘Topics for classroom discussion’.


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