
Conversion to e-book

Converting to e-book

This e-book conversion service is intended for the small Publisher or the individual author who wants to have her or his titles converted into one of the e-book formats. We offer conversion of a whole range of books: Scientific, fiction and non-fiction. As a process, conversion is language-independent. Our own books are written in English or Dutch, but we have experience in books written in other languages, too (Norwegian).

After conversion, the resulting e-book will be made available to the client without Digital Rights Management (DRM)  or Watermark lock so that they can be presented to online retailers or eBoekhuis.

In this digital era, books are never forgotten. When all printed copies have turned to dust, your e-book, at its e-bookshelf, will still be patiently waiting for the next eager reader.

An inexpensive service

Your Book

Your e-book on the digital bookshelf

Conversion of MS Word or LaTeX texts into ePub or Kindle doesn’t need to be complicated, neither does it take very long or cost very much. The standard charge for conversion from MS Word or LaTeX is € 99,- ($ 138) for a book of 250 pages. Additional cost factors are: the number of images and/or tables in the document. Since our procedure is based on LaTeX, formulas do not present any problem or extra costs. In the sidebar you can find some examples of cost calculations. You can also get an impression of the expected conversion cost of your own book. After conversion, your book will always be available on the digital bookshelf of your readers.

Our experience

At Johannes van Kessel Publishing we have a long-standing experience with the conversion of regular books into e-books. In particular, when you have a book of which the source text is in MS Word or in LaTeX, we offer the service you are looking for.

Since we are very proud of our own books, we do all we can to make them as easily accessible to our readers as possible, now and in the future. For that reason, we strive to offer an e-book version of all our titles and invest in the possibilities offered by e-book format, for instance to rent an e-book for a few days. Since our publishing house started by publishing scientific books, right at the beginning, we choose to use LaTeX as the preferred format for the source text. Conversion from LaTeX into ePub (2 or 3) or Kindle is very reliable and doesn’t require extensive manual adaptation of the result file. Of course, we will test the result on the e-reader, on the iPad/iPhone or on Kindle.

We would like to do your conversion for you

From LaTeX to e-book for only €99,- ($ 138,-)


What is our procedure?

Conversion to ePub (2 or 3) or Kindle has to be fine-tuned. That’s why we prefer to give a quote that is directly relevant to your case. Please fill out the form (by clicking GET OUR BID) to get an impression. You will be asked to indicate what kind of documents you want to convert (preferred source format: MS Word or LaTeX), and some other specifics (Number of pages? Are there images in the documents? Tables?). It is then easy for us to make a precise offer. Only when you have accepted, you are asked to send your files. We will handle your material with great care and discretion. We will keep your files only during a period agreed upon beforehand. Under no circumstances, files will be passed on to third parties.

Download sample e-books of Johannes van Kessel Publishing:

Short story:
Eigen Terrein
Doolhof van de rouw
Biography with illustrations:
zoeken & scheuren
Scientific text (formulas and tables):
Selected topics 2012

Price Examples

180 pages, no figures: € 99 ($ 138)
600 pages, 20 figures: € 446 ($ 620)
200 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables: € 297 ($ 413)

Your own book :

How many pages has the book?

How many figures?

And how many tables?

Ask for our quote


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